Victor Lytvinenko

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I went to Italy today....

I went to a big farmer's Market in Italy today. (because there are no farmer's markets in Switzerland!!?? The Swiss are weird...more on that later) I bought some honey from an orange tree orchard, some 3 year old Parmesan cheese, some old stanky other cheese (which is amazing), some lemons, some salami with truffles in it, and a delicious bottle of Italian wine. Oh, and an Italian newspaper (I can understand most of it now, and this week is the first time I feel comfortable talking with people on the street in Italian. I was able to bargain with the people at the farmer's market and I don't think they knew I was American)


Blogger vyarborough said...

Very cool fotos Vic. I've just set up my own blog spot (following your 'very cool' lead!).

Let me know when you hear from Sa, would you? I'll do the same. I know it will be hard for them to be in touch.

How are things for you? How's soccer?

10:55 AM  

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